Thursday, July 30, 2009

#1 Lets get started

While background is relevant to an interested party, for now, we will stick to the subject matter....

Turning 50 is not depressing in any way. It simply marks the progress through life with the label of age, and actually indicates a level of wisdom achieved. It is an exciting time - actual date being about 5 months out for me. This blog is being provided in order to elicit discussion from others at this milestone of life, as well as document changing thoughts and plans as we pass through onto the second decade of our life.

Marking the Occasion
Being a individually significant Birthday, it is my plan to redefine the celebration as being several months long, picking specific new events that will be remembered for decades. For starters, I have a trip planned to Canada with my lifelong friend, my favorite brother, and my only brother-in-law.
We will be Bear Hunting and Fishing. What better way to get this started!

If you are turning 50, just turned 50, or generally interested in sharing the experience, join in and share...