Monday, September 17, 2012

On-Line Reviews - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

The world changes ever more quickly!  A few years ago, we would watch who neighbors hired to do work at their homes; maybe ask the neighbor how things went and then, if the neighbor was happy with the work, you might very well use that person in the future.  Today, that process happens on-line, and a lot more frequently.  Almost everything we think about spending money on can be found on-line, and more often than not, reviews can be found of that product or service!

As a consumer, this is a very good thing.  We can become so much more informed before we ever purchase, and we can be a lot more confident we will like what we purchase.   Studies show that the majority of people go on-line and research products and services before purchasing, including reviews.  Its happening every minute of every day.

The not so good thing, is that these reviews are very unqualified and they are not researched to ensure that what is claimed is true.  As a result, people can get the wrong impression and that sometimes can have unjustified results.  The average consumer has learned that you have to throw out the very best reviews, as well as the worst in order to get a reasonable representation of that good or service.

Some might call this UGLY!  There is really no rules to control this review process and there are no qualifications to review something!  Everyone's review is taken by most sites and they all are treated equally. In spite of this ugliness due to lack of control, there is a great beauty that emerges.  People accept the system and take this into account as they work through reviews.  In my experience, it has become quite easy to form a very realistic picture based on reviews...  It is not easily explained, but the human mind is very capable of taken all aspects into account.

The best thing you can do as a consumer is to provide reviews yourself!  If only a very few people are providing all of the reviews we read, they we all become controlled by the opinions of the few, and none of us like that!  Take the initiative the next time you receive good service or experience a good product to go on line and write a review!

As the owner of Closet Factory in St. Louis, I can assure you I want as many reviews as possible. I  strive each day to be the best closet organizer company in St. Louis and so I know people are very happy.  Sharing their great experiences helps other people make the best choice possible.  That is all any business owner can ask.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Best Closet System

People often ask about which is "the best closet system".   As the owner of the Closet Factory in St. Louis, I am a little biased, however I would like to offer a discussion that will help anyone decide for themselves which is the best closet system.

When looking at custom closets, or custom storage systems, there is a lot to consider and the most important   issue is what you, the customer, really want....  Whether I think my system is the best, or another company thinks theirs is the best, is totally meaningless.    You decide what is most important!  Its all about You.

Many customers want a storage system that functions really well in their day to day life, so functionality is their highest priority.  Therefore, the best storage system for this type of person would be the one that best suits their day to day needs, which can only be accomplished by using a professional that works with you extensively to understand your specific needs, and then translates that into a custom system that is designed very specifically for You!.  Today, there are so many design features that can be included to make your custom storage system be all it can be that you need a professional that is capable of discussing each of the relevant features with you  and how it will improve the functionality of your storage system.  This professional at Closet Factory is called a Design Consultant.  The average person can go on-line and do a closet system layout from a DIY supplier and some can even install the system themselves.  It will look good, and appear to be a custom storage system.  Is it the best?  That's not very likely.  The average person doesn't know enough about closet system design to really make it work well, nor do they know much about the features that should be included to make it THE BEST!

The Closet Factory Design Consultant can give you the best chance of achieving a custom storage system that is THE BEST when looking at functionality.  The fact is that Closet Factory Designers spend 2x, 3x, even 4x the amount of time of most other companies.  The average storage system company spends 30 minutes at the home.  This is no where close to the amount of time it takes to understand the customer needs adequately to design The Best Functioning Closet for You.  That is why we spend the time - so you end up being very satisfied.

No matter what custom closet system you choose to evaluate, make sure they adequately work to truly understand your specific needs so that you get The Best Closet Company system.

Carl Alsbach
St. Louis, Missouri

Monday, August 20, 2012

My Favorite Accessories

At the Closet Factory in St. Louis, Missouri, we sell hundreds of accessories for your custom closet!  These accessories are what really tailor the functionality of the closet to the way you want to use the closet system. 

Functional Options
MOST POPULAR:  Valet Rod - great for putting together and outfit, or hanging dry cleaning while distributing in closet, or for temporarily hanging an item. 

EVERYONE NEEDS AT LEAST ONE:  Belt Rack - both men and women have belts and using a belt rack to organize and display them is perfect.  These can be mounted directly to the wall in order to make the best use of space, or put on a slide to build directly into your custom closet system.

WOMEN'S FAVORITE:  Double Jewelry Drawer - This is one of the coolest accessories available for making the transition to a truly custom closet.  These felt drawer lines have dividers to keep your jewelry nicely organized and accessible.

Aesthetic Options
MOST DRAMATIC:  Backing - While our systems do not require backing, you can include backing in your project!  Backing provides a truly built in look, while also giving you a very durable surface that you do not have to paint!

MOST VALUE:  Crown Molding -  Crown molding provides a very finished built in look.  You can use crown that fits with the style of your home.  This provides a tremendous amount of look with out much cost.

FOCAL POINT:  Arch with Onlay - When a closet system is being installed and you want to add look without spending a large sum, you can simply create a focal piont with one section of the closet making it a different height, adding an arch and putting a couple small onlays on the arch.  Viola!  The look of the entire closet has significantly changed!

These are just a few of the hundreds of options we offer!  Make this fun and see how cool you can make your closet, while staying in your budget.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Why Custom Closets?

As the owner of Closet Factory in St. Louis, Custom Closets have become a major part of my life.  It would be hard to imagine not having a custom closet for personal use, and any time I look at furniture, I get frustrated because it is not custom.  But why do people like wood shelving closet organizational systems?  Wire shelving is much cheaper so you would think that would work well for people.

The truth is wire shelving is adequate but only provides a fixed hanging location and a fixed shelf.  Even the most basic closet organizational system that uses wood shelves provides much more...

Its Adjustable!  This allows you to take advantage of the space provided in a closet.  Closets are not always that big, so using what space is available is important to most people.  With a closet organizational system, shelves and rods can be adjusted so that there is no wasted space.  By doing this, you can often double the amount of storage provided by a closet with just wire shelves.

Its Solid!  One of the complaints I here very often about wire is that it is not solid.  People like the nice solid surface you get with solid shelves, particularly in a pantry.

Its Organized!  A closet storage system provides the organizational structure for you.  Putting your items in the various compartments results in an organized closet!  It just feels good to walk in and see the closet.  Since you are in it every morning and evening, it is a big part of your life and having it nice an organized gets your day started and ended well..

Its Beautiful!   The difference is dramatic and I have have women get tears in their eyes when they see their custom closet.  Starting with classic white or using a nice woodgrain will provide a  really nice furniture look in your closet. 

Can you get by with wire?  Yes.

However, once you have had a custom closet, you will never want to have wire again!

Check out all your options!

Carl Alsbach
Brentwood, Missouri

Thursday, July 30, 2009

#1 Lets get started

While background is relevant to an interested party, for now, we will stick to the subject matter....

Turning 50 is not depressing in any way. It simply marks the progress through life with the label of age, and actually indicates a level of wisdom achieved. It is an exciting time - actual date being about 5 months out for me. This blog is being provided in order to elicit discussion from others at this milestone of life, as well as document changing thoughts and plans as we pass through onto the second decade of our life.

Marking the Occasion
Being a individually significant Birthday, it is my plan to redefine the celebration as being several months long, picking specific new events that will be remembered for decades. For starters, I have a trip planned to Canada with my lifelong friend, my favorite brother, and my only brother-in-law.
We will be Bear Hunting and Fishing. What better way to get this started!

If you are turning 50, just turned 50, or generally interested in sharing the experience, join in and share...