Monday, September 17, 2012

On-Line Reviews - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly!

The world changes ever more quickly!  A few years ago, we would watch who neighbors hired to do work at their homes; maybe ask the neighbor how things went and then, if the neighbor was happy with the work, you might very well use that person in the future.  Today, that process happens on-line, and a lot more frequently.  Almost everything we think about spending money on can be found on-line, and more often than not, reviews can be found of that product or service!

As a consumer, this is a very good thing.  We can become so much more informed before we ever purchase, and we can be a lot more confident we will like what we purchase.   Studies show that the majority of people go on-line and research products and services before purchasing, including reviews.  Its happening every minute of every day.

The not so good thing, is that these reviews are very unqualified and they are not researched to ensure that what is claimed is true.  As a result, people can get the wrong impression and that sometimes can have unjustified results.  The average consumer has learned that you have to throw out the very best reviews, as well as the worst in order to get a reasonable representation of that good or service.

Some might call this UGLY!  There is really no rules to control this review process and there are no qualifications to review something!  Everyone's review is taken by most sites and they all are treated equally. In spite of this ugliness due to lack of control, there is a great beauty that emerges.  People accept the system and take this into account as they work through reviews.  In my experience, it has become quite easy to form a very realistic picture based on reviews...  It is not easily explained, but the human mind is very capable of taken all aspects into account.

The best thing you can do as a consumer is to provide reviews yourself!  If only a very few people are providing all of the reviews we read, they we all become controlled by the opinions of the few, and none of us like that!  Take the initiative the next time you receive good service or experience a good product to go on line and write a review!

As the owner of Closet Factory in St. Louis, I can assure you I want as many reviews as possible. I  strive each day to be the best closet organizer company in St. Louis and so I know people are very happy.  Sharing their great experiences helps other people make the best choice possible.  That is all any business owner can ask.

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